What is a pod crumb? And who are you?

My blog is called Webcrumbs. It was a play on “breadcrumbs.” Not in the “Home > Section > Page” sense but in the leaving a trail to find your way back home sense. I don’t know. It made sense at the time. When I started a podcast, calling it Podcrumbs seemed a logical follow onContinue reading “What is a pod crumb? And who are you?”

Podcrumbs Episode the First (11/28/2004)

Podcrumbs #1, coming at you via time vortex from November 28, 2004 from Northern Virginia. 16 years ago me talks about starting a podcast and how I plan to keep it weekly (that lasted about two months) and short (sort of?) and ongoing (nope). Podcrumbs ran for 13 total episodes from 2004 to 2006 andContinue reading “Podcrumbs Episode the First (11/28/2004)”