
Welcome (back)!

So, back in the heady early days of podcasting, I had a show called Podcrumbs that ran for about five years, give or take. Then I got busy, life got in the way, aliens abducted me, whatever. So the show lapsed and I let the domain go. Well, I’m bringing it back. Both the past shows and new shows. Why? I am just finishing updating Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac 4th Edition and I have all this audio gear that needs to be used. And I feel like I have time and room in my life to say and do things. You know, because COVID-19 and all. So here we are.

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Podcrumbs Episode the Second (12/13/2004)

Podcrumbs #2: From the original show notes, “in which we apologize for being lame and taking so long to get #2 done, plug Mur Lafferty’s new podcast [sadly discontinued -AA] and discuss how not to set up a holiday party.”

What is a pod crumb? And who are you?

My blog is called Webcrumbs. It was a play on “breadcrumbs.” Not in the “Home > Section > Page” sense but in the leaving a trail to find your way back home sense. I don’t know. It made sense at the time. When I started a podcast, calling it Podcrumbs seemed a logical follow on…

Podcrumbs Episode the First (11/28/2004)

Podcrumbs #1, coming at you via time vortex from November 28, 2004 from Northern Virginia. 16 years ago me talks about starting a podcast and how I plan to keep it weekly (that lasted about two months) and short (sort of?) and ongoing (nope). Podcrumbs ran for 13 total episodes from 2004 to 2006 and…

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