Podcrumbs Episode the First (11/28/2004)

Podcrumbs #1, coming at you via time vortex from November 28, 2004 from Northern Virginia. 16 years ago me talks about starting a podcast and how I plan to keep it weekly (that lasted about two months) and short (sort of?) and ongoing (nope). Podcrumbs ran for 13 total episodes from 2004 to 2006 and just seemed to be hitting its stride. What happened? We’ll talk about it when we reach episode 13. And then we’ll talk about what comes next. Because, yes, something comes next.

Podcrumbs Episode 1, 11/28/2004

Published by Andy Affleck

I have been blogging since 1994 on life, the universe, and everything. By day I am an Application Lead, managing a Pharmacovigilance Email intake application that captures Adverse and Severe Adverse Events, and a Project Manager at Pfizer. By night I consult and work on WordPress development projects for my clients, I act, direct, and run sound for a community theater. I also wrote Take Control of Podcasting for TakeControlBooks.com and acted in and produced all sound and music for a podcast serializing a Sci-Fi take on Cyranno de Bergerac (See SwampMeadow.org).

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