What is a pod crumb? And who are you?

My blog is called Webcrumbs. It was a play on “breadcrumbs.” Not in the “Home > Section > Page” sense but in the leaving a trail to find your way back home sense. I don’t know. It made sense at the time. When I started a podcast, calling it Podcrumbs seemed a logical follow on from there and so where we are.

Who am I?

I’m just this guy, you know? I sometimes blog, I have a book on podcasting, I work for Automattic.com (the WordPress.com, Jetpack, and Tumblr people), I act/direct in a community theater, I build legos, I photograph, and (when we’re not in a pandemic) host bar trivia.

So, there’s that.

Published by Andy Affleck

I have been blogging since 1994 on life, the universe, and everything. By day I am an Application Lead, managing a Pharmacovigilance Email intake application that captures Adverse and Severe Adverse Events, and a Project Manager at Pfizer. By night I consult and work on WordPress development projects for my clients, I act, direct, and run sound for a community theater. I also wrote Take Control of Podcasting for TakeControlBooks.com and acted in and produced all sound and music for a podcast serializing a Sci-Fi take on Cyranno de Bergerac (See SwampMeadow.org).

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